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Team Training Improves Your ROI
Michael's Gourmet Consulting Services
Michael's Gourmet Consulting Services

                                OUR MISSION


Michael’s Gourmet Food Services was started for many reasons. As we worked alongside countless talented individuals with a huge passion for food service, we realized that there were too many gaps in knowledge between schools, business models and franchise concepts. Watching many of these businesses fail was disheartening. Restaurant failure percentages range from 65 to 75%, primarily from lack of managerial experience, poor hiring and training methods, nonexistent standardized operating procedures and inadequate or poorly planned business models.

            It may look easy by the number of food service establishments in the community, but the hours are truly endless, operational set up is exhausting, and then the question becomes how much money is wasted on mistakes and ultimately how much money are you making on the dollar? There are so many variable obstacles to bring the company to the 5-year level.

We Want You to Succeed! We designed our website for operational research. Our customizable products and services, operational procedures and advanced spreadsheets give you an immediate advantage to hit the ground running. At MGFS we have incredible dedicated team members to get you up and running and maximize your hard-earned dollars. And remember the first hour of consulting is free, so give us a call today at 1-603-988-9048.




            With the devasting disaster of the food service industry post Covid, there are many misconceptions prevailing in the restaurant industry, but, in particular, in the Independent restaurant sector, by far the hardest hit.

            And with good reason. Many new startups have no idea what they are getting into, especially if they have the “glamour notion” of the 80’s and 90s. Back then, in NYC, the restaurant industry in NYC was dubbed the decade as the “Great Gorilla Wars”. There were restaurants and food service operations everywhere, sometimes 20 in a three-block radius. Try competing with that! That was the beginning of the 60 to 70% failure rate so prevalent today.

            Many food service entrepreneurs, (or potential entrepreneurs) still use the old methods of determining what and where to open an establishment, without doing the actual bookwork of demographics, cost basis analysis, extensive what if scenarios, and actual marketing models. Granted they take time, knowledge, and capital just to get that done alone, but if you’re going to work 80 to 90 hours a week, you really need to do the research months ahead of time (of course with no pay).

            Considering how many different areas of expertise, (yes, I did say expertise) one must acquire just to understand modern day business models; how to do feasibility studies (remember that one?), theoreticals etc., and the actual time involved, it truly must be a dedicated effort, with the notion time is money. Many misconceptions have arisen that are detrimental to independent restaurants and have a negative effect on operations. Some simple ones are: everyone should be called a chef, you have a staffing shortage, and professional training is expensive and not actually necessary.      

            Below is a basic management format for determining decision making when evaluating the many situations of probability new entrepreneurs will find themselves in. It can help guide through the quagmire of evaluating and opening a successful independent restaurant operation.

For more information and data, contact me at, or




Identifying the Problem

       A problem is a situation requiring a solution.

       A symptom is a sign or indication of something that appears to be a problem.

       Many problems may have more than one symptom.

       Most problems have more than one solution.

       What are the symptoms of the underlying problem?

       The symptoms cannot be alleviated until the problem is identified and corrected.

       Managers can identify a problem by asking questions and gathering information.

       The symptom is used to determine what type of information needs to be                     gathered and used to identify the problem.

       It is better to study the evidence that there is a problem than to wait until a

       symptom or the problem appears and is more difficult to contain.


Determine and List Possible Solutions

       List all possible solutions.

       Do not overlook any possible solution in the problem-solving process.

       Identify at least three solutions.


       To identify possible solutions a manager can -

  1. Have a group participate in a brainstorming session,
  2. Review solutions that have been used in the past or used for related problems.
  3. Discuss the problem with other managers, experienced employees, customers, or outside experts to help identify possible solutions.
  4. Trade publications, online forums, and related social media forums may have already discussed possible solutions

       Determine prerequisites for selecting solution, cost, time, effectiveness of

       cost to time.


Analyze the Solutions

       Each solution must be studied thoroughly and objectively.

       To study the solutions effectively, retrieve information from business records,             trade publications, trade associations, consultants, government sources or the             internet.

       Study the strengths and weaknesses of each possible solution.

       Compare each possible solution.

       Classify each solution with some method of best, second best, and least                     desirable.

       Compare the solutions on how effectively each will solve the problem, not just           how well they treat the symptom.

       Determine the two best solutions.

       Sometimes it is necessary to conduct an experiment or test to find out which is           the best solution. In large decisions, tests are done in one section of the business         to determine how the results will affect other parts of the business. This will set         apart solutions that are the most effective for a company’s problem but not                 necessarily for a division’s problem.


Select the Best Solution

       The last step is to make a final decision amongst the remaining solutions.

        Managers may take more time for larger decisions because they can have                    company-wide implications and affect the bottom line.

        Some solutions require upper management confirmation and cooperation                    before implementation can begin.

        Managers must now determine the best way to implement the solution and                  what persons or teams are necessary for that implementation.

        As implementation progresses, management should monitor and gather                      information on the effectiveness of the solution. Does it require additional                  effort or another solution?

        Once the solution has been determined to be effective, managers should                      document the symptoms, problem, and solution to include in corporate policy,            or for future troubleshooting in a similar situation.



Classes with Wine Pairings

« Facts of Interest »


The undisputed king of cheese is said to have originated in the province of Reggio Emilia, south of the Po Valley. The area was formally under the rule of the Dukedom of Parma which was the main trading center, hence its name. It was called the “Great Cheese of Seven Countries” because the ancient formula remained unchanged throughout the 700 years of history which altered the face of continents.  Records dating back to 1200 to 1300AD describe the characteristics of Parmigiano Reggiano as they are today and it is assumed that the real origins of the cheese go back even further as written by early Latin writers. It is a cheese best known around the world in its grated form - Parmesan; but in early maturity it is a fine table cheese said to have medicinal purposes.

            It is produced from the 1st of April to the 11th of November in large drums weighing 52 to 97 pounds, the average between 72 and 79 lbs. with a height of 7 to 9½ inches, and a circumference of 28 to 36 inches. It is made with unpasteurized but tested milk of morning and evening milking in the “zona tipica” of Bologna, Mantua, Modena, Parma, and Reggio Emilia, where the soil, climate, vegetation, fodder and cattle rearing traditions has influenced its flavor and quality over the centuries. 



Kitchen cooking TIPS AND TRICKS


A microwave oven uses electromagnetic waves that bounce off the surfaces and into the food to heat it. The microwaves penetrate the food from ¾ to 1 inch, causing the water molecules to vibrate producing friction and thus heat. Microwaved foods cook from the inside out.

  • After water, fat absorbs microwaves the best.

  • Arrange the food in a circle for even cooking. Favor the edge of the rotary tray, more waves reach there than in the center.

  • Use round dishes, square dishes overcook food at the corners.

  • Cover the food to reduce cooking time, but leave a place for steam to vent.

  • Use clear glass to watch the food cooking, not all plastics are microwaveable and metal causes electrical arcing.

  • Salted foods heat faster.

  • The Microwave does best with vegetables, then seafood, then chicken, then meat.

  • Never run the microwave empty, this will damage it.


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